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Evelyn Pollard

Evelyn Pollard is a biracial, first generation woman born in Savannah, Georgia. Her father is from the island of Dominica, and her mother is from Portugal. Due to her parent's careers, Evelyn has lived in seven states throughout the U.S.A.

She attended Juniata College in Huntingdon, Pennsylvania where she received her Bachelor's degree in Politics and Communication. She went on to study at WMU-Cooley Law School, earning her juris doctor. She hopes to use her knowledge to help inform and educate others about the law.

Evelyn dreams to one day to make an Olympic team (for what is to be determined), but for now she spends her spare time playing rugby and being a cat mom. Evelyn and her husband live in Kalamazoo, MI where they base all of their world travels from. She hopes to travel the world, tasting and drinking featured specials from the Food Network.


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